Loyalty program


Membership is free but we will need your details to join. You will immediately receive your Hecker Garden Centre loyalty card as soon as you have filled in the application form.

For every R1 you spend you will receive 1 loyalty point. When you accumulate 1000 points our system will generate a R50 reward voucher at day-end that you can spend from the next day as you see fit.

How to use your Heckers loyalty club card:

Before your purchase is rung up, simply present your Loyalty Club card to the cashier. They will scan your card, ensuring your points are correctly allocated.

As soon as you have accumulated sufficient points, a R50 reward voucher will be automatically generated on our system at day-end and will be available the next day to claim.

To spend your Loyalty Club reward voucher, simply ask our cashier to redeem your voucher.

Terms and Conditions:

Rewards are not transferable from one card to another.

Promotional, discounted products, magazines and gift vouchers are excluded.

The card remains the property of Heckers Garden Centre and we reserve the right to modify or rescind the conditions of the Loyalty Club at any time.

Fee for lost cards is R25.

Reward vouchers stored on our system is valid for a period of three years.

Apply in store only.



It is free to join, we just need your details and proof that you are 60 years of age or older. You will receive 10% off your purchase of any regular priced merchandise on MondaysWednesdays and Fridays.

How to use your Heckers Senior’s Club Card:

Before paying at the till, please present your Senior’s Club Card to the cashier to ensure you receive your discount.

Terms and Conditions:

The card is only valid if presented by the holder thereof, who must be present when purchases against the card are processed.

The card is non-transferable.

Excluded are promotional and discounted products, magazines, and gift vouchers.

The card remains the property of Heckers Garden Centre and we reserve the right to rescind or modify the conditions of the Senior’s Club at any time.

The fee for lost cards is R25.

Apply in store only.