SPEKBOOM A industrious little plant with a very big heart that acts as a carbon sink and is a true South African hero. It seems rather unassuming for a plant with a growing reputation for saving the planet To name just a few of its amazing attributes:– Easy to grow– Low maintenance– Reduces soil erosion– Makes a […]


MULCH We are excited to introduce you to the world of mulch, a must-have for any garden enthusiast. Mulch is a fantastic addition to any garden as it provides numerous benefits that help keep your plants healthy and happy. In this brochure, we will explain what mulch is, its benefits, and how to use it in your garden. […]

What does NPK stand for on fertilizer bags?

Ever wondered what does NPK stand for on fertilizer bags? At a glance, these numbers can seem so confusing. I Have received quite a few requests for an article explaining those confusing numbers on fertiliser bags, so many people want to know what does the NPK stand for on fertilizer bags. .Let’s start by looking […]

Tips to a more water wise garden.

At last, the first drops have fallen and the change in our gardens is instant.  Let’s hope we get another shower soon to keep our gardens looking at their best.  Yet we are still not out of the woods in regards to water shortages and incompetence from our municipalities and water department.  One can rant […]

Top 10 plants for attracting butterflies to your garden

Attracting butterflies to your garden can be quite a conundrum at times. We want beautiful butterflies to grace our gardens but not their caterpillars which are the larval stage of butterflies.  Caterpillars feed on their specific host plants, whilst causing some damage to the plant, it is not enough to harm them permanently. The host […]

Weird and Wonderful Plants

All plants are unique and wonderful in their own way, yet there are some plants that truly stand out.  Welcome to the wonderful world of Orchids, Bromeliads, and Carnivorous plants.  Whether it is Orchids or Bromeliads which stun with their exquisite flowers or perfect geometric designs, or Carnivorous plants which have managed to turn the […]

Bougainvilleas: the ultimate splash of summer colour

Through all the hail and dry weather my Bougainvilleas at home still have so many flowers that I cannot even see the leaves. Though I have to admit that I really don’t feed them as often as I should.  Bougainvilleas are one of those plants that continue to amaze me year after year, with their […]

Hydrangea throughout the seasons

Hydrangea throughout the seasons Hydrangea macrophylla is one of our garden plants that best showcases the extreme differences in seasons.  From looking like nothing more than a bunch of twigs during winter to its stunning bountiful blooms in summer. Hydrangeas are also known as the Christmas flower owing to their amazing flowering during the festive season.  […]

Garden with nature, not against it.

With the rains finally arriving, our gardens have suddenly been transformed into an oasis of green and colour. With this change, the creatures and critters in our gardens also spring to life. These denizens are often misunderstood and unappreciated. However, they play an integral role in maintaining a natural, healthy equilibrium in our gardens. When […]

Splashes of Colour with Summer Flowers

Don’t let the heat get you down by bringing some cooling colour into your garden with Heckers’ guide on an amazing selection of colourful flowers for this summer.  With the intense heat we have been experiencing lately we can definitely say that summer is here.  Luckily there are plants that thrive in this scorching weather […]