MULCH We are excited to introduce you to the world of mulch, a must-have for any garden enthusiast. Mulch is a fantastic addition to any garden as it provides numerous benefits that help keep your plants healthy and happy. In this brochure, we will explain what mulch is, its benefits, and how to use it in your garden. […]
ALOES Aloes can be rated as some of the most rewarding indigenous plants, and although largelyoverlooked have enormous potential as garden plants. The stark beauty of their strange andinspiring architecture makes them suitable as an accent plant in a variety of settings. BENEFITS They are available in such a diverse range of forms and sizes. […]
Make Your Own Compost and Mulch This Autumn
Here’s a handy compost guide on making compost and mulch with material collected from your own garden. Don’t let all those free leaves go to waste!
Grow your own Heavenly Hyacinths
Anyone who loves beautiful things will adore a garden of Hyacinths. From ancient Greek lore to French royalty, these gorgeous blooms have been a favourite throughout history. Hyacinths originate from the eastern Mediterranean, West and Central Asia but are grown and adored all over the world. In South Africa, the most commonly seen hyacinths stem from […]
Grow your own winter soup garden
In this article we learn how to grow and harvest your own winter soup garden. Few things provide the satisfaction of knowing that you are eating a hearty homecooked meal, but moreover knowing that it is homegrown too. So, let Adriaan guide you through growing your own winter soup garden. A project such as this […]
The magical colours of Autumn
Explore the magical colours of Autumn! Autumn conjures up images of trees changing colour, chill mornings and wrapping your hand around a mug of hot chocolate. Traditionally autumn was a time to harvest crops, stockpiling food for winter and celebrating the harvest. Yet autumn is also a time of abundance and beauty. This we find […]
Grow your own tasty winter veggies
We always tend to think of winter as this grey colourless season where nothing grows, anxiously waiting for Spring’s warm embrace. Yet, winter holds so much potential, especially in the veggie department where we can still expect a bumper crop. For a culinary twist consider planting some tasty heirloom veggies this year, but more on […]
Preparing Your Flower Beds for Autumn Planting
With the change of the season it is time to start with autumn planting in anticipation of all the winter and spring colour. With most of the summer annuals finishing off and going to seed, an autumn planting is a must to get a head start on your winter and spring gardening. It does feel […]
Alternatives to control weeds in the garden
One year’s seeding is seven year’s weeding. Weeds tend to be our nemesis when gardening and many an hour has been spent methodically and sometimes frantically digging those persistent buggers out of the garden. Yours truly has developed a habit of pulling out weeds no matter where. I have to admit it does provide certain […]
Growing Great Garlic
Growing garlic gives you an ample supply of one of nature’s best healing herbs. Garlic is one of those amazing plants that has been used by mankind since recorded history. There are many different types of garlic, with most belonging to the Alium sativum group of plants. Garlic is known mainly for its bulbs, however, all […]